VDL Apparatenbouw stance for high quality and will not accept anything less form its suppliers. Naturally our customers expect the same of us. Therefor we inspect all the incoming and outgoing goods before we will actually ship them to their destination. VDL Apparatenbouw is a ISO Certified company for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 13485. When we look at the markets VDL Apparatenbouw is active in, it is only natural that we insure quality of the by us manufactured products.

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Underneath we highlighted some of the services VDL Apparatenbouw can provide in means of quality and added value.

Good quality is not always self–evident. VDL Apparatenbouw specialises in the standardising and insuring of the quality requirements of our customers. VDL Apparatenbouw regularly inspects the incoming and outgoing products because it plays such a big role in guaranteeing quality for our customers. On the request of our customers or based on our own experience we will inspect the products that come into the factory thoroughly. Also specs can be described by our customer to ensure VDL Apparatenbouw delivers the desired quality to our customers. All the checking is done by our certified quality department employees.

Next to the insuring of quality VDL Apparatenbouw also has the possibility and employees to protect the cost price of our customers products. Our value engineers will look over our customers products and are specialised in finding areas where costs can be spared without sacrificing functionality of the product.  Our value engineers will advise our customers about in what areas costs can be reduced. VDL Apparatenbouw leaves the decision to accept these changes with the customer.