The combination of our hourly rates with atomisation, robotization, finishing quality of our delivered products and flexibility makes our assembly lines unique. 

Our employees are flexible and broadly trained in order to make them adaptable to new situations. This ensures VDL Apparatenbouw can anticipate and easily shift up or down should there be demand or offer changes. The combination of purchasing and assembly results in peace of mind for our customers, VDL Apparatenbouw can take over the complete logistical process of its customers. Through this method we can create more added value for our customers and guarantee faster deliveries in comparison to low wage countries and companies. 

The quality of a product is largely dependent on how efficient a production process is. VDL Apparatenbouw takes care of the production process from point A to point Z. the result is a production process in which efficiency and waste are kept to a minimum. 

Many times there are advantages can be gained in an assembly process of a product or even within the product itself by simply securing the procedures of the process. In order to define these procedures VDL Apparatenbouw can offer its customers a CPR (Cost Price Reduction) project for their products. In these CPR projects VDL Apparatenbouw researches new and improved ways of sourcing and assembling the product. This can lead to savings in material costs or in hourly labour rates, which in turn can be of use to our customers. These can of projects will always take place in consultancy with the customer. The suggested alterations which come forth from the CPR Project cannot have a negative influence on the desired quality.

Should you have any further questions for us regarding the topic of assembly and CPR projects? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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